8th Grade Learning Center (Period 5)
Course Description
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
Welcome to room 210. This year, we will continue our journey filled with Kagan collaboration strategies, self-reflective critical thinking, and student-led communication. It will inspire you to be a life-long learner.
Students, I am glad you will be part of our classroom community, where you will be challenged to reach mastery of eighth-grade concepts, encouraged to preserve with support, and be part of our positive environment for inspired learning.
Parents, I am confident we share high expectations for your student’s achievement. I look forward to collaborating as a team to guide and encourage your child through the second year of their middle school education.
This resource class aims to help students succeed in their academic courses while improving their reading, writing, math, and study skills. The curriculum of our resource class will include the learning targets for English and Math as well as your child’s individual goals and objectives as written in their Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.) and the California Common Core State Standards.
- Schoology lms.lausd.net (ELA/Math)
- Khan Academy (ELA/Math)
- IXL.com (ELA/Math)
- Renaissance Accelerated Reader (ELA)
- NewsELA (ELA)
- Writable (ELA)
- DESMOS (Math)
- LearnZillion (Math)
Beginning of Class
- Enter class quietly and find your seat
- No cellphones/headphones on campus
- Put away all food and drinks; only water allowed in the classroom
- Write down the class learning target/ lesson objective/ homework in the student agenda planner
- Begin Warm-up activity
During Class
- Raise your hand to ask questions
- Participate in all Kagan class activities and complete assignments before the next task
End of Class
- Complete Exit Tickets to demonstrate understanding of the lesson
- Put away all materials and clean your workstation
- The bell doesn't dismiss you; I will dismiss you
The learning targets below are the key concepts you will learn during this course. Your progress on these targets will be monitored and tracked on Schoology. My goal is to support your growth toward mastery of all learning targets, which will be used to determine your grade.MASTERY LEARNING & GRADING
The student's grade is determined by the level of growth towards mastery of the learning targets in the course taken as a whole. The student level in each learning target is the more comprehensive evidence of learning.
The student proficiency level is based on the evidence of learning that shows understanding and knowledge and adds skills aligned with each learning target.